
Taking Pride in Supporting the LGBTQIA+ Community at the SD Pride Parade

The annual San Diego Pride Parade is the largest single-day civic event in the region and among the largest Prides in the United States, attracting over 250,000 cheering supporters of the LGBTQ community. This year marked the 50th anniversary of the Pride Parade in San Diego.

National Intern Day

SDG&E Internships: Shaping Future Professionals

In celebration of National Intern Day, we're highlighting our internship program.


SDG&E Prepares for Summer Heat & High Energy Demand

Every year heading into summer, several teams across our company are busy preparing for the summer months to help ensure the electric grid can reliably meet rising electricity demand as more people turn on their air conditioners to stay cool.&n


SDG&E se prepara para el calor del verano y la alta demanda de energía

Cada año, de cara a la temporada de calor, los equipos de nuestra empresa se preparan previo a los meses de verano para ayudar a garantizar que la red eléctrica pueda satisfacer de manera confiable la creciente demanda de electricidad a medida que más personas encienden sus aires acondicionados p

Beat The Heat with Countywide Cool Zones

Beat The Heat with Countywide Cool Zones

Looking to escape the summer heat this holiday weekend? Consider visiting one of San Diego County’s Cool Zones.

Evita el Calor en Zonas Frescas del Condado

Evita el Calor en Zonas Frescas del Condado

¿Buscas escapar del calor del verano este fin de semana festivo? Considera visitar una de las Zonas Frescas del Condado de San Diego.


Creative Ways to Keep Cool this Summer: Beat the Heat in Style!

Summer is here, and with it comes warmer temperatures that can leave us feeling like we're melting. But fear not, because we've got some creative ways to help you keep your cool and stay comfortable all summer long.


Formas creativas de mantenerse fresco este verano: ¡venza el calor con estilo!

¡El verano está aquí y con él vienen las temperaturas más cálidas que nos hacen sentir como si nos derritiéramos! Pero no temas, porque tenemos algunas formas creativas de ayudarte a mantenerte fresco y cómodo durante todo el verano.


Make the Most out of Your Energy This Summer with our New Vampire Calculator

Unused electronics and appliances left plugged in can silently drain your energy and money.