Go Green for the Holidays: BMW Extends $10K Discount for EVs

The holiday season is starting early, with a gift of “green” to become a little more green!

Over the next two months, SDG&E customers can receive a $10,000 discount for BMW’s 2017 i3 plug-in electric vehicles. The automaker discount is good through January 2, 2018 or until inventories run out at participating BMW dealerships in SDG&E’s service territory, which includes San Diego County and South Orange County.

This BMW discount is on top of existing state and federal EV incentives, which can total another $10,000 in savings. The discount offer is funded solely by BMW, not SDG&E customer funds. 

To get the $10,000 discount, all you need to do is to bring a copy of your SDG&E bill and the BMW discount flyer to any participating dealership.  

EV Credits and Incentives

Through its Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP),  the California Air Resources Board provides EV rebates, which vary depending on applicants’ income and vehicle models. The standard state-funded rebate for the i3 model is $2,500. Enhanced EV rebates of up to $4,500 are available for low- and moderate-income families.

All SDG&E customers who own or lease a plug-in hybrid or an all-electric vehicle are eligible for the annual EV Climate Credit – made possible through the California Air Resources Board’s program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. EV drivers may sign up now for the 2018 Climate Credit.

The federal government also provides a tax credit of $2,500-$7,500 for an EV purchase. The amount of the credit varies based on the battery capacity. More information.

Need Help Finding the Best Deals Near You?

SDG&E and Electric Car Insider recently launched a comprehensive pricing guide to help local residents find the best deals offered by dealerships countywide.

Everything you need to know about the specs of a car, federal tax credits, state rebates, utility rebates, manufacturer pricing and discounts, dealer pricing and discounts, and HOV stickers are packaged conveniently into a mobile app. The app was recently upgraded and is now available for both Apple and Android devices. Download the app for FREE via this link.

Additional Resources

  • Customers who want to drive electric and live in an apartment or condo can connect their property manager with SDG&E’s Power Your Drive program to learn about how SDG&E will install low- to no-cost charging at their property.
  • SDG&E customers who drive EVs can save money by signing up for an electric vehicle time-of-use rate and program their car to charge during the cheapest times – like midnight to 5 a.m. 
  • Everything you need to know about EVs and what SDG&E is doing to expand the charging infrastructure in our region is available at Check out the resources tab to learn how to get a Clean Air Vehicle Sticker, which allows solo drivers of EVs to use carpool lanes.