Vanadium Redox Flow battery Tour

Going with the Flow to Advance a Clean Energy Future

We are going with the flow. Well, flow batteries to be exact.

Today, we hosted a group of energy industry leaders for a tour of our Vanadium Redox Flow (VRF) battery in South San Diego County.

The VRF battery is part of a four-year demonstration project we created in partnership with Sumitomo Electric and The New Energy and Industrial Technology Organization (NEDO) to test flow battery technology for its ability to enhance grid reliability, integrate more renewable energy and increase flexibility in grid operations.

Storage Batteries Key to CA’s Energy Future

Members and staff of the California Energy Commission, California Public Utilities Commission and the Port of San Diego Commission took part in the tour. VRF and other storage technologies are an integral part of California’s clean energy future. Approximately 99% of California’s existing storage facilities are based on lithium-ion technology, making this VRF battery somewhat unique.

What makes this flow battery stand out are its advanced features, such as an unlimited charge/discharge cycle life and capability for both fast response and long duration applications. After more than 18 months of testing and operation, we plan to take the project to its next demonstration phase and bid the VRF battery into the California Independent System Operator’s energy market in the near future.